Basic management and
Every organization needs to do some planning in setap
activities of the organization, either Planning for production, planning of the
recruitment of new employees, new product sales programs, as well as budget
planning. Planning (planning) is the basic process for organizations to select
targets and define how to achieve it. Therefore, companies must establish goals
and objectives to be achieved prior to the processes of planning.
Planning is required and occurs in a variety of forms of
organization, because planning is a process management basis in taking
decisions and actions. Planning is required in both the types of activities
oranisasi activities, companies and activities in the community, and in the
planning of any management functions, because these functions can only
implement the decisions that have been set in the planning.
Planning is the most important phases of a management
function, terutma in the face of dynamic external environment yangberubah. In
this era of globalization, the planning must rely more rational and systematic
procedure and not only on intuition and gut feeling (alleged).
The subject of this paper focuses on certain elements of the
planning process and the process that is highly correlated with problem solving
and decision making. Then introduces the concept of planning and presenting a
number of approaches to streamline the planning of various types.
In the management, planning is the process of defining the
organization's goals, create a strategy to achieve that goal, and develop a
plan of work activities of the organization. Planning is the most important
process of all management functions since no other functions of planning
organizing, directing, and controlling will not be able to walk.
Planning seagai interpreted broadly defines the objectives
of the organization, create a strategy to achieve that goal, and mengembangkann
plan work activities of the organization. Basically the plan is intended to
give answers to the questions what (what), who (WHO), when (when), where
(where), why (why), and how (how). So planning is the function of a manager
associated with the selection of a set of activities and termination of the
objectives, policies and programs are carried out. Planning is the most important
process of all management functions because without planning run. Plans can be
formal or informal plan. Informal plan is a plan that is not written and is not
a member of an organization's common goals. While formal plan is a written plan
of an organization that must be implemented within a certain period. Formal
plan is a joint member of the corporation, meaning that each member should know
and follow that plan. Formal plans were made to reduce ami guitar and mutual
understanding of what to do.
In a planning further elements of planning. Good planning
should be able to answer six questions are referred to as elements of planning.
The first element is the action to be done, there is rindakan both must be
done, the third where the act was committed, the act was done kapa fourth,
fifth who will perform the action, and finally how to implement such measures.
Planning is very important and necessary for every effort to
achieve the goal. The reason is based on a view that the future is uncertain
conditions. Environment changing so rapidly sue anyone other individuals and
institutions to always make a plan. Without planning, the organization will
lose direction and it is difficult to anticipate the threat of environmental
Many factors influence the importance of making a plan,
among others; economic change, technological advances, climate change, changes
in consumer tastes, political turmoil, and the security of the system are not
guaranteed provide many challenges to be faced even if fraught with risks.
In addition to further strengthen the direction to the
organization in achieving its objectives, the planning also has an important
role, such as:
a) To mengkooordinasikan efforts
In an organization-job work done by individual and group
goals and interests are different. It needs to be coordinated, so that the
objectives and interests it is not out of the organization's goals.
b) In order to cope with change
With the careful planning, the potential changes that will
occur will be anticipated as soon as possible.
c) For development manager
Managers must be proactive and make things happen and not
vice versa, acting reactive and let things happen. Action plan will sharpen the
ability of managers to think when they consider abstract ideas and possibilities
that will happen.
d) For the development of performance standards
The success achieved in the past will become the standard of
performance for the foreseeable future. Without planning, performance standards
may be irrational and subjective.
Planning functions and functions as well as other managerial
activities are interconnected, mutually interacting tergantungdan.
- Organizing and preparing personnel
Organizing is the process of setting up a joint working
resource-financial resources, physical and human organization. Planning shows
the way and shows the resources-resources to achieve the highest effectiveness.
- Briefing
Guidance function is always associated with planning.
Planning determines the best combination of factors, strengths,
resources-resources and relationships that need to guide and motivate
- Supervision
Planning and monitoring are closely interrelated, so often d
refer to as "Siamese twins" in management. Supervision is important
as an effective product planning. Therefore, surveillance act as criteria to
assess the implementation of the work plan. The goal of each plan is to help
the resource in contributing positively to the achievement of the goals and
objectives of the organization.
Various Kinds of Planning
Various planning in the introduction of management is
divided into two, namely:
Planning organizations
This plan consists of:
1. Strategic planning
The strategic plan is a plan developed to achieve strategic
objectives. Precisely, the strategic plan is a general plan underlying the
resource allocation decisions, priorities and action steps needed to achieve
strategic goals.
1. Tactical Planning
The plan is intended to achieve tactical objectives,
developed to implement a specific part of the strategic plan. The strategic plan
usually involves the upper and middle-level management, and when compared with
the strategic plan, have a shorter time period and a more specific focus and
1. Operational Planning
Is a plan that focuses on planning tactical plans to achieve
operational objectives. Developed by the manager ingkat middle and lower
levels, the operational plan has a short-term focus dn relatively narrow scope.
Each of these operational plans with respect to a small range of activities. We
describe the planning with closer in the next section.
Operational planning is divided into two, namely:
1. Disposable Plan: developed to implement a series of
actions that may not be repeated in the future
Program: Disposable plan to seragkaian great activity
Project: disposable plans for more limited scope and less
complex than the program
1. Plan remains: was developed for regularly recurring
activities during a specific time period
Policy: fixed plan detailing the organization of a common
response to a particular problem or situation
Standard operating procedures: permanent plan that outlines
the steps to be followed in certain situations
Rules and regulations: fixed plan that describes exactly how
the specific activities carried out
Timeframe Planning
1. Long Term Plan
A long-term plan (long-range plan) covering many years,
perhaps even decades.
2. Medium-term Plan
A plan that is somewhat tentative and more volatile than
long-term plan. Medium-term plans typically cover a period of one to five years
and is especially important for middle managers and line managers.
3. Short-term plan
A manager also developed a short-term plans, which have a
time frame of one year or less. Short-term plans (short-range plan) greatly affect
their daily activity manager. There are two types of short-term plans. The
action plan (action plan) to realize all kinds of plans. When a factory Nissan
is ready to replace the technology, managers focus their attention on the
replacement of existing equipment with new equipment as soon as possible and as
efficiently as possible to minimize the loss of production time. In many cases,
this can be done in a few months, and only halted production for several weeks.
Thus, an action plan coordinating the actual changes in a particular plant.
Instead reaction scheme (reaction plan) is a plan designed to make the company
can react terhadapa unexpected situations. In one factory Nissan, new equipment
arrived earlier than expected and the manager of the plant must shut down
production more quickly than they would expect. Therefore, the manager must
react to events that are beyond their control in a way that still allows the
achievement of objectives.
4. Operating System
A set of components that are interdependent with the scope,
relevance and relatively high stability.
a. Production: activity which is indicated for the receiving
environment, such as agriculture, khutanan, fisheries, mining, and processing.
b. Allocation: the activity of which is shown in the distribution
of goods and services among all members of the system, including the functions
of transportation, communications, retail sales activities, wholesale.
c. Control: aim to maintain the smooth activity of the
functioning of the system itself.
d. Staffing: centered on the number and quality of the
members of the system, the socialization and education of the members of the
system, the expertise which they can provide, as well as physical and mental
health, including the type of entertainment recreation employee
5. Change System
a. Rationalism: if the ultimate goal was formulated with
clear and well understood, following the model of rational planning
interchangeable. Useful in certain technical fields and public health.
b. Inkrementalisme: decision-making in the state of a line
of steps that small inkrementasl (added little by little), to the days to come
and the direction that is not known for sure. For example: a pilot project.
c. Utopianism: this view try to raise the public's
imagination and resolve any issues with the proposed abolition of the new
approach to the organization and the operating system.
d. Metodism: explains that the company already has a
planning method that is clear, but the final results that will be achieved have
not been determined and is not understood at all.
6. Efetivitas Planning
Masalanya is not how to do the job properly but the manager,
often in
pengembangkan effective planning manager obstacles.
There are two major obstacles to effective
1. Rejection of the planners themselves against the deciding
goals and making a plan for memecakannya.
2. The usual reluctance of the members of the organization
to accept a plan for changes that would cause
Responsibility for Planning Goal Setting
1. Planning Staff
Especially the staff planning can reduce labor bban
individual manager, helped to coordinate the activities of individual managers
plan, carries a variety of different tools and techniques to solve specific
problems, insightful broader than individual managers, and stepped away
melmpaui specific projects and departments.
2. Planning Task Force
Organizations sometimes use a task force to
membantumengembangkan plan. Such a task force often consists of a line manager
with a special interest in the field of planning relevant.
3. Board of Directors
The board of directors (board of directors) is responsible
for determining the mission and strategy of the company. In some companies, the
board erperan active in the planning process. CBS, for instance, the board of
directors usually play a role in the planning. In other companies, the board
elected a competent chief executive and delegate the planning to the
4. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is usually the president or
chairman of the board of directors. CEO probably the single most important
individual in any organization planning process. CEO plays a major role in
completing the planning process and is responsible for implementing strateggi.
Board and CEO then play a direct role in the planning. Organisisional other
components involved in the planning process have a role as an advisor or
5. The Executive Committee
The executive committee (Executive Committee) usually
consists of top executives in the organization working together as a group.
Executive committee members are often charged to various staff committees,
subcommittees, and task forces to concentrate on a specific project or problem
that may be encountered throughout the organization at some time in the future.
6. Management Line
The final component of the majority of activity is the
management of the organization perencaanaan line (line management). Line
manager is the person who has formal authority and responsibility for
management of the organization. They play an important role in the planning
process oranisasi for two reasons. First, they are a source of valuable
information from other managers in the organization's ethics plan is formulated
and implemented. Second, the line managers at lower secondary level Dn of the
organization usually must implement the plan developed by top management. Line
management to identify, analyze, and recommend alternative program, create a
budget and submit it for approval, and finally implementing the plan.
Contingency planning
Another type of planning is also important is contingency
planning (contingency planning), namely the determination of a series of
alternative measures if an unexpected action plan violated or deemed no longer
Obstacles in Establishing and Objectives and Planning
1. Purpose Inappropriate
The purpose of which is not exactly have many forms. Pay
large dividends to shareholders may not if funds are obtained at the expense of
research and development goals may also not be appropriate if those objectives
can not be achieved. If Kmart set a goal to earn more stout than Wal-Mart's
revenue next year, the company's employees as possible. The purpose is also not
appropriate if the goal adjust too much emphasis on quantitative measures and
kalitatif of success.
1. Award System Inappropriate
In some environments, reward systems are not exactly an
obstacle in setting goals and planning
1. Dynamic and Complex Environment
The nature of an organization's environment is also an
obstacle to the goal setting and effective planning. Rapid changes,
technological innovations, and intense competition can also increase the
difficulty for an organization to accurately measure the opportunities and
threats in the future
1. Reluctance to Set Goals
Another obstacle to effective planning is the goal for
themselves and for units that are their responsibility. The reason for this is
probably the lack of confidence or fear of failure. If a manager set a specific
goal, concise, and is associated with time, so if he reaches or does not reach
that goal will seem real. Managers who consciously or unconsciously trying to
avoid the level of responsibility is more likely to avoid organizational planning
effort. Pfizer, a large pharmaceutical companies, having problems because
managers do not set goals for research and development. As a result, the
organization is far behind because the manager has no way of knowing how
effective their research and development efforts actually.
1. Refusal to Change
Another obstacle in setting goals and planning is resistance
to change. Planning is essentially related to change something in the
organization. Avon Products almost made himself bankrupt a few years ago because
the company insisted on continuing policy of large dividend payments to its
shareholders. When profits began to fall, the manager refused to cut dividends
and began to borrow to pay the dividend. Corporate debt increased from $ 3
million to $ 1.1 billion within eight years. In the end, the manager was forced
to solve the problem and cut dividends.
1. Limitations
Limitations (constraints) which limits what can be done the
organization is a major obstacle to another.
Overcoming Obstacles
1. Understanding the Purpose and Plan
One of the best ways to facilitate goal setting and planning
process is basically the intent. Managers should also know that there are
limitations on the effectiveness of setting goals and making a plan.
And goal setting and effective planning does not always
ensure success, adjustments and exceptions are expected from time to time.
1. Communication and Participation
Although it may be made at a high level, the objectives and
the plan must be communicated to the other party within the organization.
Everyone involved in the planning process should know what the underlying
foundation of functional strategies, and how these strategies are integrated
and coordinated. People who are responsible for achieving the objectives and
implementing the plan must be considered in developing the strategy. Everyone
almost always have valuable information to contribute / and for those who will
implement the plan / their involvement is vital people are usually more
berkomitmer on the establishment plan Even when they help an organization to be
centralized or use planners, managers from various tingkan in the organization
should be involved in the planning process.
1. Consistency / revsi / and updates
Goals should be consistent both hori zontal and vertical
.konsistensi horizotal means that tujan should be consistent diseluru
organization / from one department to another. Vertical Consistency means that
goals should be consistent from top to bottom of the organization: the purpose
of strategic, tactical, and operational needs to be aligned. Because setting
goals and planning is a dynamic process, goals and planning should also be
revised and updated periodically. Many organizations see the need to revise and
update frequency more often.
1. System Effective Award
In general, people should have been awarded either because
the set goals and plans are effective, as well as managed to achieve it.
Because failure is sometimes derived from factors outside the control of
management, people should be ensured that a failure to achieve the goal will
not necessarily have the consequence of punishment.
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